Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's reshaping "Cool" in the 21st Century?

With each generation that passes by both parents and children hold valuable information that holds the keys to how a current and previous generation views and lives life. The elements which make up a parents identity can sometimes be viewed through the eyes of a kid as most definitely NOT cool. We all remember those long road trips when we were younger when our mom and dad would subject us to hours of grueling 18th century music. It seems slightly funny to think about now that were grown up, but  those times seem to be the best times to look back at now.

Road Trip Anyone???

Embracing your parents culture might be easier said than done, but when comparing the music, fashion, and overall way of life of your parents you might be surprised to see some similarities of your own generation. Classics such as the Beatles, Elvis, and Frank Sinatra to name a few, might always hold a place in any future generation. Realizing what can make something such as a band so popular could be hard to understand. In theory the popularity goes beyond the songs or image that a band such as The Beatles brought to it's audience For example possibly one of the most influential members of the Beatles, John Lennon became a world-wide inspiration for millions as his words carried people through their entire lifetime. One of Lennon's most famous quotes calls for a sense of individuality and unity "I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people." This quote by Lennon in itself becomes a way of life for The Beatles generation.

The Beatles are only one example of how the generations have evolved over the years. What once was viewed as liberal or provocative back when our parents were kids seems to be accepted by the majority  in todays world It's quite possible that the generation that changed everything was in fact the Sixties.

For the first time in history a generation stood up for an opposing viewpoint from that of their parents or culture These such people would been known as Hippies. The Hippies became the cornerstone for a movement that would reshape our culture forever

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